Vol. 24 (№1153)

Babets Ya.V., Ushakova G.A. The distribution of hyaluronan-binding activity of rats brain proteins under doxorubicin effect 5
Barannik T.V., Nikitchenko I.V., Akopyan A.S., Kienko L.S., Botzula I.V., Tkachenko A.I. The effect of low-dose cadmium chloride on erythrocyte resistance to lysis and prooxidant-antioxidant status of blood and spleen of rats 11
Volkova Yu.V., Sukhova L.L., Davydov V.V. The influence of some factors on aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in the liver of rats of pubertal age under conditions of immobilization stress 18
Yakovenko B.V., Mekhed O.B., Iskevych O.V. Changes of P450 and b5 cytochromes concentration and of NADP-generating enzymes activity in carp tissues under the influence of surfactants 23
••• GENETICS •••
Bagatska N.V., Kovaleva V.I., Budreyko Ye.A., Chumak S.A. Cytogenetic characteristics of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus with consideration of the applied insulinotherapy 29
Volkova N.Ye., Aleynikova A.A., Vorobyova L.I. Analysis of variability of Drosophila melanogaster locus white compounds at different degree of genetic background heterozygosity 36
Gorbatyuk I.R., Bavol A.V., Bannikova M.O., Morgun B.V. Agrobacterium-mediated in planta transformation of bread winter wheat cv. Podolianka 47
Popov V.M. Validation of SCAR marker linked with the gene of pollen fertility restorer in sunflower 54
Brandler O.V., Biryuk I.Yu., Ermakov O.A., Titov S.V., Surin V.L., Korablev V.P., Tokarsky V.A. Interspecies and intraspecific molecular genetic variability and differentiation in speckled ground squirrels Spermophilus suslicus and S. odessanus (Rodentia, Sciuridae, Marmotini) 58
Karimov Tahir Main limiting factors affecting biological parameters of necrophage birds 68
Mahmudova Y.A. Trematodes of the fish-eating birds of the Devechi firth of the Caspian Sea 73
Mustafayeva G.A. Parasites (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) of armored scales (Homoptera, Coccinea, Lecaniidae) of Azerbaijan 82
Suleymanov S.Sh., Seid-Rzayev M.M., Mirzoyev G.S. Feeding of the Caspian shad Alosa caspia (Eichwald, 1838) in the western part of the Caspian Sea 89
Shekk P.V. Formation of broodstocks of mullet (Mugil cephalus L., Liza aurata Risso, L. saliens Risso) in the Northwest Black Sea Region 95
Altuhova L., Kot K., Kot Yu., Morozova K., Klochko I., Plotnikov A., Persky Y. Comparison of the efficiency of inhibitory effect of volumetric autotransplantation of fibroblasts and of keratinocytes with fibroblasts mixture on the local skin radiation burn development 103
Grytsenko M.A. Age features of certain fibroblasts properties 110
Bespalova I.G., Rohoza L.A., Dubko T.S., Tatarets A.L., Yermolenko I.G., Galchenko S.Ye., Sandomirsky B.P. Using fluorescent probes for the research of substances of peptide nature in the extracts of cryopreserved fragments of organs 117
Babii S., Radchenko L., Fesenko A., Smutko O., Stepanskyy D., Mironenko A. Adaptive properties of influenza viruses isolated in Ukraine, at the limited use of antiviral drugs 125
Demchenko N.R., Kurmakova I.N., Tretyak A.P. Response of sulfidogenic natural community and bacteria monocultures of genus Desulfovibrio to an inhibitor of bio-corrosion with antibacterial properties 131
Petrenko О.V., Khaytovych О.B., Аlekseenko V.V. Comparative characteristics of biological properties of Vibrio cholerae O1 isolated from people during cholera outbreaks and non-outbreak periods in Ukraine 138
Grabovskyi S., Grabovska O. Content of some lipid classes in bulls blood at pre-slaughter stress 144
Zhuravlev V.A., Makarevich V.S., Kolupaeva T.V., Tondiy L.D., Shekh V.Y., Zavizistup Yu.V., Shcherba V.A., Stukanov I.M. About the possibility of human biological age determination by registering of microcurrent 149
Khimich T., Beloded O. Chronic fatigue syndrome and urogenital disease in women of reproductive age 154
Shevchuk Т.Ya., Aponchuk L.S., Romaniuk A.P. The state of respiratory parameters in female smokers 163
Zhukov A.V., Zadorozhnaya G.A. Role of the horizon-over morphological structures in vegetation organization of the sod-lithogenic soils on loess-like clays (Nikopol manganese ore basin) 171
Kovalchuk Yu.P., Ushakova G.A. The S-100b protein level changes in the different brain areas of gerbils at aging and alpha-ketoglutarate effect 186
Author guidelines 191