Vol. 21 (№1112)

In memory of Vasyl’ Ivanovich Gluschenko 5
Kavelіna A.S. Creation of cornea biograft 7
Andreyko H.P., Mikhailova O.O., Konovalova O.O., Goncharenko M.S. Some metabolic response of animals organism to manganese chloride load 13
Bilozorov O.P. Inflammosomes and their role in pathology 20
Girych M.S., Kurguzova N.I., Nikitchenko Yu.V. Cyclic feeding regimen and balance between pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative processes in hepatocytes nuclei of young and old rats 26
••• GENETICS •••
Atramentova L.A., Luchko E.N. Level of aggression and empathy depending on demographic status of probands and their parents 34
Glianko E.V., Vorobyova L.I. Evaluation of interstrain differences in fıtness components of Drosophila melanogaster strains with neurological disorders 41
Gorodnyanskyi I.D., Vorobyova L.I. The features of hybrid dysgenesis syndrome manifestation in some Drosophila melanogaster stocks 46
Lanovenko O.H. The dynamics of the index of endogamy and the level of inter-ethnic marriages in the district populations of Kherson region 54
Filiptsova О.V., Timoshyna I.A., Chechui H.F. Structure of population of Ukraine by phenylthiocarbamide sensitivity 65
Guseinov M.A. Experimental study of changes in the intensity of infection of carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) with blood parasites Trypanosoma carassii and Cryptobia borelli in the laboratory conditions 72
Seyid-Rzayev M.M. Diet of juvenile and mature individuals of carp Cyprynus carpio L., bream Abramis brama orientalis Berg. and roach Rutilus rutilus caspicus (Jak.) in Mingechaur water reservoir 76
Shupova Т.V. Avifauna in settlement zone of Kiev 83
Adamchuk-Chala N.І., Kopylov Ye.P., Yacenko V.О. Changes in structural and functional organization of photosynthetic apparatus of spring wheat plants under influence of diazotrophic bacteria of Azospirillum 92
Ivashchenko I.V., Rakhmetov D.B., Ivashchenko O.A. Antimicrobial activity of the ethanolic extract of Artemisia abrotanum L. (Asteraceae) at its introduction in Ukrainian Polissya 97
Glodan O.Ya. Peculiarities of bloodstream and testicular parenchyma of a rat in the norm 106
Hrytsulyak B.V., Hrytsulyak V.B., Pastuh M.B., Ivasiuk I.J., Dolynko N.Р. The nature of restorative processes in the testеs of rats at different periods after cessation of alcohol abuse 111
Zubov P.M. Effect of separation techniques and regimes of cryopreservation on the structural and functional properties of cord blood nucleated cells 116
Kolupaeva T.V., Posokhov N.F., Ishchenko O.S. Cytobiophysical characters of nuclei in buccal epithelial cells of patients with pharmacoresistant prosopalgia 123
Kornienko Ye.M., Posokhov Ye.O. The study of 1,2-propanediol influence on red cell membranes by method of fluorescent probes 127
Redka I.V. Spectral and correlation parameters of bioelectrical activity in EEG alpha band of children with visual dysfunction at the second period of childhood 135
Avksentyeva O.A., Vasilchenko M.S. Features of callusogenesis of soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. samples with different photoperiodic response 145
Belemets N.М., Grakhov V.P., Fedoronchuk М.М., Bonyuk Z.G., Palamarchuk O.P. Study on the secondary metabolites of xerophytic species of Spiraea L. (Rosaceae) genus from Ukraine flora 154
Prysedskyi Yu.G. The characteristic of wood and bush plants resistance to air pollution by compounds of sulphur, fluorine and nitrogen 162
Shihalyeyeva G.N., Budnyak A.K., Shihalyeyev I.I., Ivaschenko O.L. A modified method for determination of proline in plants 168
Author guidelines 173